The days followed one another with pace. There was no sign of the gypsy, he seemed to have vanished. Mandy
nothing remained but to engage in work, time for love would find him later.
Love certainly expected, but no fun. Although reserved and unsociable, Mandy went out every Saturday with her sisters and some friends. Now there was no friend, nor her sisters. But he did not want to spend a Saturday night alone in a quiet little house, with nothing to do.
As soon as he saw a bar in front of the beach, he asked the bartender what it paid and took his place for a few hours to collect some 'small change.
He felt even more tired than when he arrived and more and more hungry. He entered the small restaurant next to the bar and ordered something to eat.
It was not a person but without the finesse when hunger calls answered his mouth!
From a distance saw a Jacuzzi and heedless of the cold that made that evening by the sea, dived.
The water brought to mind different memories. How she missed her entire family, but especially James was missing. He believed it was the past, believed that hatred for James would take her to forget and yet his memory was still vivid in his mind. Like a flashback
saw the moment when the door opened and there stood James, his James who was in bed with Liz, her sister. Her beloved sister, with whom she shared everything. She told that to which all had betrayed her and his betrayal was even worse than James. He had tried in vain to apologize and to explain itself. Unnecessary explanations.
began to pack up and shouted against crying and that he trusted her.
trying to dispel from the mind that memory is still painful. A tear line face, wiped it with force cursing for crying once again. "Stop feeling sorry for himself!" they said.
got out of the tub and dressed was ready to return to his home when a man approached her.
Maybe he needed to forget, perhaps spend a night with another prevented it from thinking.
That night was beautiful but had to be the only one. He had no intention of reviewing the man, and fortunately for him was the same. A story of sex and nothing more.
The same morning he returned to the beach to return to work a few hours at the bar.
the evening then headed to the disco looking for something that she did not even know what it was. He sat at the bar for a drink with a man.
was drunk, had never drunk in his life. "Maybe my mother was right," he thought. "I can not live alone, are not able to run my life."
It made ridiculous in front of everyone, in front of the man that if he tried with her while before was now turned to the bartender, pretending not to notice her.
All she needed to make some money and so, without experience, went to the DJ and asked him to take his place.
He was still dazed from the previous night, could not keep up the good alcohol and music had helped to worsen her headache. Someone rang the doorbell, dressed in a hurry and went to open the door. He found himself in front of the old gypsy.
"Hi honey," urged the gypsy.
"Hello" Mandy mumbled
"I checked the cards, and I think now is the right time for your soul mate."
"I'm sorry, but frankly today is not the right time for me." he said, trying to close the door. The gypsy promptly stopped her.
"listen to me, Mandy"
"How do you know my name?"
"I told you that you have to believe me. I ask only $ 500 and you will not regret it. "
" I do not have $ 500, sorry if I have to live! "
Mandy was persuaded, and a figure well below decided to try one last time with the gypsy.
"Hello, I'm Rudy."
"Nice Mandy," answered the greeting realizing they have become red.