On a clear day without clouds with a clear sky than Mandy arrived in what is now on would be his home. It was not a villa or a luxury apartment, but she was not the difference. Mandy had never been wealthier, the small room that had reserved in his parents' home had to share it with three sisters. This, however, was his home, his and no one else. No longer had to share it with anyone.
get along with all three of his sisters, Carly, Liz and Rachel. But he had a different relationship, especially with Liz.
Mandy was born in a small town south of Ireland. His father was Australian and his mother Scottish. He had moved to Ireland shortly after the wedding. Mandy had always been a quiet girl, studious, diligent, but he felt suffocated by what was the reality and the life that lay ahead before he had anything good. The affection was certainly not missed, but he wanted was more. Was not enough as the affection of his family, he wanted to change her life and she was sure that one day she would have succeeded.
Changing life was not easy, especially if you only saw when he looked around the ground, and four walls. But she did not lose heart, was a strong and determined girl, she had lived too long "off". He had spent too many years without anything, now it was time to roll up their sleeves and fight for their future.
"On Mandy, you can do it. You have to show your mother that you can do it even alone." he said.
His father, ambitious like her, wanted her daughter to be realized, and which finds its way even without their help.
Already, his father the only one who could always understand it, the only one when she needed to get up and morale was always knew the right words. How much was missing.
Something distracted from his thoughts. He had arrived a neighbor.
"Let it go, does not that sound!"
Dlin dlon.
Mandy was not a sociable girl, she preferred to be alone to read instead of talking to people but now did not even have a book to read and talk to someone would not have done no harm.
"Hi I'm Malcolm Landgraab III, she seems to be new here or am I wrong?"
"That acute observation. This lot was empty until a few weeks ago, and except for magic has not built a house by myself, yes I would say I moved recently. "
This was enough to silence him and walked away with a quick greeting and began looking at the house from outside.
"That meddling" thought Mandy.
Another figure, which still could not tell Mandy walked toward her.
His name was Gilbert and invited her for a chat on the lawn with Malcolm.
"You come from where? Er ... sorry, I can give you of? "He asked.
" Sure go ahead. "
" Well then you should also do it with me. "Abozzandole a smile that said to Mandy seemed forced to say that seemed an understatement.
"Of course, Gilbert. Now I come back, I still have to arrange the suitcases," he lied with the same smile that Gilbert had raised before.
"Oh sorry, do not hold back. It should be as well. See you soon"
"Oh yes, we are Gilbert and thanks for the visit."
He hurried into the house. These two men were really unbearable, worse than the other one.
"The first rule is to make success: Be nice to everyone." he said.
So as soon as they were gone, came out to greet the postman.
Since there was no case to undo because there was a cupboard to put clothes, got busy looking for a job.
he had to start somehow, and he chose a military career.
spend a saw Gypsy, everyone would have thought it was a charlatan but not Mandy. He went up and greeted her with kindness.
"Good morning," Mandy said, smiling, this time his smile was sincere.
"Hello dear," replied the gypsy. "You need something? If you seek a soul mate I do for you"
soul mate? Well Mandy would certainly have preferred something more but maybe the love was not something really that far away for her. She was in love only once in his life, a gorgeous guy but what I get was just a disappointment. He vowed not to fall in love anymore, no longer had anything to do with men. But in the end never stopped believing in love, love that's true.
"Yes, indeed seeking help to find the so-called soul mate. Have you ever met?" Just to mind his own business, he thought Mandy.
"No, but otherwise would not be here with him. I've never found and that is why it helps people to find it."
He gave her some money and looked the Gypsy in waiting for a response.
Thank you so much for the help they gave, but did not notice the man who should have been, for the gypsy, his "soul mate".
It was not what he expected but he remembered "being nice to everyone."
made him a bit 'and then dismissed him with compliments.
returned from gypsy sure that this was the right time.
But this time was a fiasco.
Maybe it was the right time for his soul mate. Perhaps at that time was occupied. But not passed never to her that the woman was unfit, that he was not able to find a suitable man for her. He found many other excuses and was convinced that the gypsy would have found a man only had to wait. She was prepared to wait, he tried again later.
meantime had passed to her what had been his first day as self-sufficient woman.
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