Old appointments had not brought anything good views of the letters were delivered to Mandy.
The only decent
appointment was with Rudy. Rudy, a great guy, funny, funny. But it was not taken that spark. Mandy went out with him as a simple man, nothing more.
One morning he decided to invite him to his house, he agreed, taking with him a friend. As soon as Mandy
make eye contact with Raphael, he felt something move inside her. They were to settle for a few seconds later when Rudy spoke.
"Hey, I remember you called me and Raphael," he said jokingly
He looked away from Raphael and focuses on Rudy.
"Sorry, I thought you said that you'd bring a friend."
"Yes, I'm sorry but I remembered last time I had to go out with him so I decided to not give up either you or him bringing it here. I was wrong? "
Mandy's eyes continued to be directed to Raphael.
" Ok ok I present to you, he is Raphael's my best friend, she is Mandy ... friend. "
Raphael had not yet spoken word, only when Rudy present them, waved a" Pleasure "and returned to his stubborn silence.
Mandy decided to try to get ahead, so that a pass abozzò Raphael refused categorically.
spent the rest of the day joke, she and Rudy, while Raphael remained seated in silent read a book. Nothing interested him except those damn words in the damn pages.
evening came and it was time to leave.
"Wait, I have to talk." Mandy said Raphael.
Rudy walked towards the road home, Raphael would join him later. He went
indifferent to Mandy.
"I know you probably do not affect what I have to tell you ..." took a break to wait for a response from Raphael's like "no of course I care" and that unfortunately did not happen. So shoot.
"Any educated person when it is in the house of other people at least try to socialize, not sit and read a book! What will ever so mesmerizing those letters. "At a time when I pronounce that word as he realized his eyes were mesmerizing. remained still staring at her off without a moment, his eyes seemed interested.
" I love to read but also not so foreign to me from everything and everyone. If you had to just finish the book could very well stay at home to read it, or maybe you like it so much my chair? If you want you can sit back and read your book! "
He delivered his entire speech without interruption ever, when he had finished Raphael replied.
" Ok. "
" Ok? But have you heard what I said? "
" Yes "
" And what do you think of everything my speech is just ok? "
" Yes "
" Ok we just give up. "
" Hello. "
After that went away, leaving stunned Mandy.
The next morning she showed up.
Yes , there is the chair. "Mandy said, now given up trying to win that boy. At the end of yesterday had offered her a chair to read.
" I'm not here for the chair. "
" Oh no? And what then? "
" So ... "He went over to Mandy
and kissed her.
She incredulously to what was happening at the same time happy, let him kiss her .. .
Until they arrived in the bedroom driven by their love for each other.
"We will meet again tomorrow, or was simply an adventure for you?" Mandy said with a look so tender that he could not help kissing her.
"Of course we'll see." he answered, smiling.
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