Title: Chess the Queen
Fandom: Heroes
Character: Angela Petrelli
Prompt: # 001 . Start @
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (W)
Notes: Set in 2x02 ("Lizards"). Pure speculation, not to mention pure delusion. It is only the beginning!
Warning: Cross-references to the first and second season, and possible spoilers.
Table: here
now crawling on the floor, looking for an impossible escape, it's hard to believe that Angela Petrelli on the board of the Society plays the role of the Queen.
The fact is that when it starts, everything is always very clear.
lines up the pieces, we develop strategies.
Every detail is carefully, almost every problem in advance.
idea germinates and becomes a vision of morality that no one doubts.
beginning, at least.
Then, something or someone pulls out the difference between what is believed to be and what it really is.
It makes clear that the difference does not make the events, but the reactions .
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