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November 6, 2009
- Less than lies Gospel Enzo Mazzi in the manifesto of November 6, 2009
"It is not at all true that is allowed to see the cross the symbol of the primacy of love over power, as claimed by a theologian to fashion as Vito Mancuso (the Republic of yesterday 4 November). All the popular revolutionary movements animated by the Gospel they have seen in the cross the sign of liberation not only of the historical and transcendent are sacrificial redemption often been suppressed in the blood. "" 'less than the cross and the Gospel "was true in the school where Barbiana Don Milani had taken the crucifix"
- The Concordat crucified Massimo Faggioli in Europe of November 6, 2009
"Who wants to argue the defense of the crucifix with the Concordat, we can not draw an immortal aphorism of Carl Schmitt, republished in 2005 as a lawyer in front of himself:" In the Gospel, Christ died for his sentence, would conclude today rather an arrangement with his captors. " For the theologians of the court and (to paraphrase Franz Overbeck) to the "theological friseur wig" Berlusconi's Italy is not to choose between the crucifix and the Concordat.
- The crucifix? I do not remember Aldo Maria Valli in Europe of November 6, 2009
"I honestly do not remember whether in the classroom that I attended, all state schools, there was or was not the crucifix .,,,"
- Those Catholics in the primaries in a row Angelo Bertani in Europe of November 6, 2009
"who are Catholics, and what is in their heart? (...) Those who defend the crucifix as a symbol of the Western tradition against the invading Muslims, or those who consider the example of Him who gave his life for others? Also for Pd a question arises: what Catholics seek consensus? The consistent and faithful Catholics are much more numerous than you might think, though more humble and less noisy ...."
- Chancellor, Lutherin day (and the German pope) Massimo Faggioli in www.rivistailmulino . it's November 5, 2009 (under the lens)
"For the observers of things ecumenical, it is quite obvious to see more and more apart in the streets of the two major Churches of the continent. The Catholic Church of Pope Benedict XVI comes with Lefebvre, launch an investigation against the liberal theology of American nuns and open to the more conservative Communion Anglican, Lutheran church relies on a female bishops the task of rebuilding the bridges, even to the Catholic Church, which ten years ago seemed so solid "November 5, 2009 crucifix
- , all is not right Raniero La Valley in Liberation of November 5, 2009
"The sentence is unexceptionable: Once jurisdiction over the matter, the Court could not decide so ... But I'm sorry ... there is a call to say that the crucifix should be maintained because it would have ceased to be a religious symbol, and would instead "a symbol of Italian history and culture," the Italian identity "... This position is In fact, an atheist, but devoted, and tend to gain the benefits of religion as a civil religion. And I say the truth: if the crucifix became the flag of an identity, nationalism, a racist, a religious conflict ... and ceased to be the memory of a God who became man ... and that "having loved his own until the end" accepted by his executioners, the fate of victims, and continues to climb all scaffolds erected by power, money and since the war, then I would not see more than a crucifix in my life .
- The Pact of the crucifix The Vatican "appreciates" the Italian government Fulvio Liberation Fania in the November 5, 2009
"hierarchy prefers to overshadow the religious character of that symbol, preceded by the" cultural value "or the Italian and European identity. An operation that is strongly contested by other Christian communities ..." Great space to concerns Catholics - denounced the evangelicals - but no attention to the applause of the Protestants' for a sentence that is viewed positively by the moderator Waldensian Maria Bonafede, president of the Baptist Union and Anna Maffei Italian Evangelical Alliance. "
- No, secularism does not mean remove the crucifix, symbol of love Aurelio Mancuso in Others of November 5, 2009
"I know that I will draw the ire of many, many, but I find the controversy over the crucifix useless, especially over the top and hypocritical ... I would point out that the removal of this symbol would not be a victory for freedom today on authoritarian visions, but it would be interpreted by most as an arrogant act of cultural violence ... Tear off the crucifix from the walls ... do not mean to offend God, but love that millions of Italians are against this symbol of genuine piety .
- Crucifix, "We Are Church": Faith is alive in the minds of Vittorio Bellavite in the November 5, 2009
"Do not are surrendered to the passing of a culture of Christianity. The hostility to the Court of Strasbourg is the result of this general attitude ... The crucifix is a religious symbol ... As a symbol (improper) identity and national culture, it is used instrumentally by all right unbeliever (that of devout atheists and those who worship the God Po) and the Christian fundamentalist. The Vatican and the CEI can not get a more balanced position ... in fact, contribute to food demands and sour controversy. "
- The Basic Christian Communities: Less Gospel of the Cross and most basic Christian communities in MicroMega - online 4 November 2009
"We know we are against because the aging of society, the reality of religion and politics on the issue of secularism is a long and confrontational. But we are not alone." Cross and Less more Gospel "was worth in the school where Barbiana Don Milani had taken the crucifix. Less than cross and the Gospel was true for a Catholic like Mario Gozzini, Senator of the Law on the humanization of the prison"
- School of the crucifix Lidia Ravera in Unit of November 5, 2009
"Well, cleared the hearts and minds by the accumulation of serious problems that afflict us and discuss, on the radio, on TV, all the newspapers of the issue more urgent, burning, haunting: we must remove the crucifix from the wall behind the chair or not? ... Stacchiamolo and get it over with. We have more than that to the head! "
- The crucifix, the courts and Natalia Ginzburg Giuseppe Fiorentino and Francesco M. Valiante in L'Osservatore Romano of November 5, 2009
" the Court of Strasbourg with the intention of wanting to protect human rights, ends up questioning the roots on which those rights are based, by disregarding the importance of the role of religion - particularly Christianity - In the construction of European identity and the affirmation of the centrality of man in society. "
- Crucifix unnecessary confrontation Gian Enrico Rusconi in La Stampa of November 5, 2009
" This conflict involves deep beliefs and emotions ... It should be vigorously rejected the accusation that those who ... would like to remove from the public school the sign of the Christian faith is a person intolerant ... The same applies to the charge of denying the national folk tradition ... The bottom of the contradiction that is touched by the Northern League on the one hand, and mock challenge the national identity and uphold the crucifix in the other schools as untouchable symbol of that identity ... The real news is not to circumvent the problem, talk about it in a responsible and calm ... "
- That call is love for all humanity Vito Mancuso in the Republic of November 5, 2009
"Behind the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg there is a concern in itself legitimate to protect freedom, especially religious freedom of children that could be threatened by the presence of crucifixes in classrooms. In fact, there are specific reasons that reveal the invalidity of that concern, and show instead that arises from the crucifix a spur to the exercise of freedom in a just and brave. "
- " represents the secularism of Jesus "Interview with Massimo Cacciari by Carlo Brambilla in the Republic of November 5, 2009
" Massimo Cacciari is irritated by the recent controversy on crucifixes in schools. Was for him should not be taken anywhere. In contrast, "should rather put all over, if anyone really knew what it's like a crucifix ..." "... is an extraordinary sign of welcome, of extraordinary self-giving."
- Bertone: Europe leaves Only Halloween pumpkins Orazio La Rocca in the Republic of November 5, 2009
"The Court of Strasbourg, which condemns Italy to remove crucifixes from public schools, blowing air of revolt against the European Union."
- The office of Mayor-cross "and we distribute them in the streets" of Paul Griseri in the Republic of November 5, 2009
"The epicenter of the clash is Abano Terme, where the family resides Italian Finnish with his protest has caused the ruling in Strasbourg ... the Northern League mayor of the nearby town of Cittadella, "I suggest to the mayor of Abano to revoke the residence of the family Italian Finnish ...». In this din of threats and bluster to defend the symbols, jars the invitation of Don Antonio, pastor of Abano indicating lifestyle example and the foundation of Christianity and summarizes: "Protest the Crucified One who has no inside." But in the Italian who looks like the Vendee, his is a voice crying in the wilderness. "
- In cross Agostino Paravicini Bagley in the Republic of
November 5, 2009" The cross is a symbol known by many civilizations, from China to Egypt, from Asia to Africa. Because it is a symbol of the axis of the world ... If the representation of the cross in Christian art occupies a prominent place, its history, it was not linear ... was long a symbol of power and glory, and as such he accompanied the claim history of Christianity in Rome ... will also become the central element of the iconographic representation of the opposition ... between the Christian church and Judaism ... also served to accompany the Arab conquest of Spain, the Crusades and many other struggles even of a political nature ... The sign of the cross, however, was also used to superstition ... "
- Wojtyla, Gorbachev and the fall of the wall Joaquim Navarro Valls in the Republic of November 5, 2009
" The Berliner Mauer fell just Twenty years ago, exactly on November 9, 1989 ... It is always singular note how the view of the events changes over time ... My generation is so used to Europe was divided into blocks ... Having lived the parable of the twentieth century, with its cruelty and its paradoxes, made it, after all, natural enough to tolerate the contradiction of that barrier in the heart of Germany and the center of Europe ... "November 4, 2009
- A leader UNITER. "Not for Catholics Massimo Faggioli in Europe of November 4, 2009
'expectations of American Catholics from the Obama presidency are very demanding and diverse. But the fractures are not only inside the American church. The rapid succession "chance Notre Dame" and the visit by Obama to Benedict XVI on July 10 also showed some cracks between the positions of the Vatican on the one hand and the other American bishops. "
- blinded test of sentenziosità Fabrizio D'Agostino in Future of November 4, 2009
"the crucifix is a universal, non-denominational. The truly great spirits have always understood: If everyone believes in Jesus as Christ, human suffering of the man Jesus, hanging on the cross and accepting the punishment, if we do not believe, at least all have a deep respect, if we do not want to reduce the coexistence of men to a mere game of impersonal forces and cruel. "
- The Cross is not imposed Marco Politi in the daily act of November 4, 2009
" From time Italy pseudo-religious consciousness of the poor to escape the question of secular institutions, has invented an explanation that the crucifix is just a symbol of Italian tradition, "an expression of his heritage and ideal, an encouragement to the goodness and values of humanity shared by believers and nonbelievers. Not so ...."
- 'Judgement respectful of cultural diversity " interview with Chiara Gallini by Iaia Vantaggiato in the manifesto of November 4, 2009
"As an anthropologist I was able to see that the crosses are almost entirely disappeared from the homes" are two very different key, that of the private and the public and that of public states through acts that are essentially political in nature. " "I think that the speaker intends to Christian roots underneath and so masked say Catholic roots"
- Cross via Dario Fo's in the manifesto of November 4, 2009
"... greatly offended Catholics Apostolic Roman. But do not Christians. Because there are also Christians who are not of the Apostolic Roman domination of the cross symbol on their core value "
- The crucifix and the hunt for symbols that only causes damage Alberto Melloni in Corriere della Sera of November 4, 2009
" chasing the symbols only mean repeat the experience in France (Sarkozy tries to take care of that sewing a "positive" on the livery of secularism), which forbade the use of the hijab to school, dragging equity flaunt the ban on cross for Christians and Christian or bring kippah for Jewish men. An act that played so hideous as it sounds hateful to "remove" the crucifix where it is for decades without damage and, judging by hate for others and contempt for the poor that her ankles wet, fruitless visible. "
- No law provides for Michele Ainis in La Stampa of November 4, 2009
" yesterday, the Strasbourg Court has put on paper a list of platitudes. First, the crucifix is a religious symbol, not a political or sports. Second: This symbol identifies a specific religion, just one. Third, therefore, its exposure compulsory in schools does violence to those who cultivate a different faith, or who otherwise do not have any. Fourth, the supremacy of one religion over the other in turn offends freedom of religion and the principle of secularism public institutions ... But no Italian law requires the crucifix in schools ... This requirement is kept in regulations and circulars dating back to the twenties ... "
- The battle over a symbol Stefano Rodota in the Republic of November 4, 2009
" This ruling brings to an 'Europe's richest, Italy in which to reinforce the conditions of coexistence of different, where it acquires its full right to education that the parents claim that the Catholics, but that must apply to everyone. Free from the Catholic world also instrumental arguments, in order to save that presence on the walls of schools, reduced the dramatic symbol of Christ's death to a cultural icon "
- Cardinal Kasper to the believers:" Do not sleep, raise your voice " interview with Walter Kasper by Gian Guido Vecchi in Corriere della Sera of November 4, 2009
"" Secularism is legitimate, we live in a pluralistic society where different faiths coexist and ideas, we must have tolerance and respect towards others. This decision, however, is very strange, but does not express secular ideology ... want to remove the crucifix is intolerant. " There is also a responsibility of those who have distorted and used as a sign of the cross "against" others? "It True, often in history has been used in this way. But today I do not think anyone can understand it well. No, what is left after removing the symbols is emptiness. ""
- The condemnation of Cardinal Re "Ruling causing dismay" interview with Giovanni Battista Re by Orazio La Rocca in the Republic of 4 November 2009
"" The cross is the sign of a God who loves man to give his life for him. It 's a God who teaches us to love, to care for every man, especially the weak and defenseless, and respect for others, even to those who belong to different cultures or religions. How not to share a symbol so full of meaning and significance that every person of good will in good conscience can not understand and accept? "."
- From Merkel Blair, Ratzinger "calls" the big Catholic Orazio La Rocca in the Republic
"next year in the Vatican, Benedict XVI will convene a major international meeting of Catholic politicians with the declared objective of launching instances dear to the Church in policy planning and administrative (family, defense of life, our Christian roots, school, bioethics). .. episodes like the verdict against the crucifix in Italian public schools are intended ... to give further accelerated organizational event. "
- The flight from the West to search for the Umberto Galimberti in the Republic of
November 4, 2009 "The basis [of the research of Claude Levi-Strauss] ... there is a continuous and exhausting the meaning and destiny of Western civilization, its beliefs and values, all centered on that pride Eurocentric unable to perceive and understand the existence of the Other, not just theorized a philosophical level, but touched with concrete hand in the form of other peoples, other cultures, other civilizations. "
- Tettamanzi: the ethical antidote to the crisis in the new economy Sergio Bocconi in Corriere della Sera of November 4, 2009
"" This crisis is striking with violence, but we must also carefully consider how much more disastrous would be the effect if most people had not acted in the right way. "So Yesterday Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi evening concluded reflections on the encyclical "Caritas in veritate »"... Franco Debenedetti, "" In the encyclical lacks a proper understanding of the market. "Attributing the crisis to the failure to comply with ethical values and respect the claim that avoid in the future means giving the illusion of a fake medicine."
- religious texts, the first store in Milan World Armando Torno in Corriere della Sera of November 4, 2009
"The store Julien Ries, the greatest living scholar of religion, a professor emeritus at the University of Louvain, was donated to the Catholic University of Milan. .. Ries is tied to the name of the birth of a new discipline: anthropology of the sacred (or symbolic anthropology) ... In these his papers, in vain that the Sorbonne, Oxford, Cambridge, Leuven and the same top American universities have tried to have, there are unpublished correspondence with Eliade, Dumézil, Girard, De Lubac, just to name a few. "
- Crisis: Bishops warn of "a temptation closing, "especially toward immigrants Stéphanie Le Bars in Le Monde of November 4, 2009 (our translation)
France" The bishops will Jacques Barrot, vice president of the European Commission, to discuss migration policies. During the week working on the visibility of the Church, in place of the laity in the establishment and reorganization of the parishes. "
- Cardinal Vingt-Trois urged Christians to engage in society Gaulmyn Isabelle de La Croix in November 4, 2009 (our translation)
opening plenary of the Assembly in the autumn of the French bishops, the President of the French Bishops' Conference yesterday evoked the tragic consequences of the economic crisis and urged the government to respect the rights of immigrants. "With that speech, Cardinal Vingt-Trois in its own way poses the problem of visibility of the Catholic Church in France" And speaking of the debate on national identity, a bishop explained: "There is no identity without a report, no opening to 'another, but now each has a tendency to understand my identity as a closure - it happens even within the Church. "
- "We are called to a true reform of our social practice" André Vingt-Trois in La Croix November 4 2009 (our translation)
Excerpts from the speech of the cardinal, archbishop of Paris and president of the French Episcopal Conference, for the opening plenary of the Assembly in the autumn to Lourdes.
- reduce the influence of France in the Vatican? François-Xavier La Croix Maigre in the November 4, 2009 (our translation)
"According to a report of the Committee of the Study Group National Assembly (French Chamber of Deputies) on relations with the Holy See, published Monday, France maintains "close ties" with the Vatican, and a "closeness" on certain issues, but his influence would be "in sharp decline. "November 3, 2009
- The Church and the thorn in the side of Moratti Giuseppe Caruso in the daily act of November 3, 2009
Don Gino Rigoldi: "I have often called cattocomunista or red hat" " but there's no answer, they do it for insulation. I well understand the outburst of Monsignor Buttons, but I think the only thing to do is to continue in his work, without arguing with those who can not wait "
- drift democracy. Appeal to men of good will Mgr. Gianfranco Bottoni of November 2, 2009
Here is the text Full of talk by Msgr. Buttons on November 1 in Milan. "The memory of the dead here at the Field of Glory, requires that we ask ourselves how we always gathered the spiritual legacy for the Liberation Fighters Fallen and have left us." "Of this deterioration that weakens the democracy we all feel co-responsible; No one is blameless, even religious institutions. "Fascist past and populist of today are historically different phenomena, but have in common the need to get rid of all that is democratic, unnecessary and against the view space." before the history - and, for those who believe in God's eyes - you have a responsibility to stop the euthanasia of the Democratic Republic. The call is an invitation to dialogue beyond the dialectic and political conflict, to join in defending and reviving democracy in its constitutional foundations "
- " Democracy dies. " The monsignor attacks and opens a case in Milan Alberto Senes in Corriere della Sera of November 2, 2009
"We are witnessing a slow and painful death of democracy. Euthanasia dall'antifascismo born in the Republic. " From the two hundred supporters gathered at the former Cemetery in Milan for the memory of the martyrs of the Resistance is triggered applause longer. From stage is talking about a monsignor. You Gianfranco Bottoni, responsible for the Milanese Curia ecumenism and interreligious dialoguethe beautiful magazine "koinonia," a presentation on the theme of the laity in church. "I believe that the size of the council was mainly that of having given the Church not only to its origins, but the continuity of its truth." Orders ", in fact, by definition become sclerotic and harden into traditions that really a cover "power." To this I also believe that among the sins of omission there is to be placed, for the laity, the lack of recognition of their duties. "
- Christian rebels, far from Rome Alberto Melloni in Corriere della Sera of November 3, 2009
" enough to travel within the Catholic Church to realize that Calling the tradition and nostalgia for the antique restoration what it costs, speaks of himself and of reality that takes us hours in schism, the learned reportage Riccardo Chiaberge, out for Longanesi "
- Guilty of too gospel. The curia of Florence removes Don Alessandro Santoro Valerio Giant Adista No. 111 of November 7, 2009 (News)
"pastor removed invalid marriage. None, perhaps, for the laws of the Church. In fact, the same as Father Santoro had recalled contacting Sandra Fortunato and during the homily, no measures of the Curia could change the reality, because "you are a couple of believers living in his Church to be the God and this pair of Life blesses and caressNovember 2, 2009
- Protestants want to be heard more Jacques Fortier in Le Monde of November 2, 2009 (our translation)
"It was a challenge: organizing in the capital of 'Alsace for three days a Kirchentag sort of French, such large gatherings of the German Protestant Churches. The first "Protestants en fête" ... was a success. About 15 000 faithful who have come from all over France and belonging to all shades of Protestant (Lutheran, Reformed, Evangelical) responded to the invitation. "
- Protestant Party, a showcase of solidarity Céline Hoyeau in La Croix of November 2, 2009 (our translation)
"Protestants en fête", the first meeting of the French Protestant galaxy ... flow has seen more than 10,000 faithful in Strasbourg this weekend. From the gym place Kléber Jean-Sturm, the Village Solidarity brought together 35 associations, more than "missionary" to the more "humanitarian" signs of the historical and multi-Protestant society. "
- The craftsman of a Protestant free Céline Hoyeau in La Croix of November 2, 2009 (our translation)
France, Protestantism. "Shepherd in the Drôme for seven years, compared with a rural Protestantism" dying ", then, since 2001, a parish in the center of Lyon, Temple du Change, [Samuel Amédro] acknowledges that he owes this missionary outreach meetings by He had room in the Gospel. Adventists and Members of churches of revival, with whom he worked when he was president of the Youth Commission, and the Congolese community in his parish have now moved ... "Once you cross the confusion," he says.
- "A clear distinction between the religious sphere and that of the citizenship interview with Olivier Roy by Bruno Bouvet in La Croix of November 2, 2009 (our translation)
France, the debate on national identity "With Islam Today we are witnessing the same phenomenon with Catholicism in the nineteenth century. This has fought long before taking its independence from the political sphere. It was necessary a century for the Church to accept the separation from the state. Today, European Muslims make a clear distinction between the religious sphere and the sphere of citizenship, although this takes different forms depending on the current, liberal, secular or fundamentalist. "
- Don Santoro:" obey Betori, but I feel humiliated " Antonella Mollica in Corriere Fiorentino of November 2, 2009
" humbled, deeply humiliated, devastated by this humiliation. But obey the bishop. Why do I do? even I do not know, maybe 's unbounded love I have for my people. I'd rather be my part rather than drag me fifteen years history with you against a giant invincible '
- Outdoors, 1500 for the development of Santoro Simona Poli in the Republic of November 2, 2009 (Florence)
"" One of the few good saints Irenaeus of Lyons, said that "the glory of God is man fully alive", today the glory of God is the collection of your faces ""
- The Last Mass of Father Santoro's "Exiled from the Curia giant invincible ' Osvaldo Saturday in Unit of November 2, 2009
"I can still celebrate Mass but I do not have a people that is what I was private" said the priest in the Mass yesterday
- Magris: "Italy slips scares me populism" interview with Claudio Magris by Alessandra Longo in the Republic of November 2, 2009
"I wonder how can not be stunned in front of a prime minister who gives life to a scene like that. Here's not about the private life, personal affairs, on which I would never say anything. It is not a morally serious, it is simply indecent "" 'A little, yes. "Sell your cloak and buy a sword," says the Gospel (Luke, 22, 36) "
- 's archive Don De Luca Gianfranco Ravasi in Il Sole 24 Ore of November 1, 2009
Don De Luca was a protagonist of the dialogue between religious and secular culture, not even hesitating to venture into the terrain of politics, where clashes were then, yes, harsh but high standard ideal. That priest, however, was primarily a scholar of exceptional cultural phenomena, one of which was the context of popular religious and educated, poorly tilled a field ... the 'Stock Italian for the history of our religion "... continued to live even after his death e. .. is now in its twentieth volume ... ... pages spread out to wider horizons from which they are made ... figures emerge ... emblematic. "
- The Vatican and the fracture of 1938 Emma Fattorini in Il Sole 24 Ore of November 1, 2009
" Next week comes the new book by the Jesuit historian Giovanni Sale, the racial laws in Italy and the Vatican (Jaca Book, Milano, pp. 320, € 28.00), with a large collection of unpublished documents and an introductory essay by Emma Fattorini, we anticipate that here in part. "
- Barbe revealing Sergio Luzzatto, in Il Sole 24 Ore of November 1, 2009
"Firpo and Biferali combine their skills to rebuild the dilemmas of Italian religious life through art Pontifical, reviewing the most significant works that have commissioned the popes in Rome during the middle decades of the sixteenth century ... Unable to account for everything, we will confine ourselves to two portraits of popes, and two beards. "
- shipwrecked on the Saints 'Navicula' Massimo Firpo and Fabrizio Biferali in Il Sole 24 Ore of 1 November 2009
The bark of Peter in the storm saved by Christ is a recurring theme in the Counter Reformation. "After a long moral, religious and political life, the Church returns to stand as Mater et Magistra, as a credible and necessary vehicle of salvation, as driving force Catholicism without a doubt, based on an "absolutist ideology" and the rectum to feel that you had, stretching out to conquer new worlds and renewal of old Europe, where the bloody sectarian borders are about to fight with renewed pride in its controversistiche and apologetic battles. "November 1, 2009
- The prayer of the cardinal and that of a secular Eugenio Scalfari in the Republic of November 1, 2009
" You, dear Cardinal Martini, a comprehensive mantle of compassion, love for others. With his cloak covering me too sometimes like mine can play too. For this The Black Lady does not scare us. This is why both you and I feel in my heart the message that incites the love of neighbor. She sends her God and Christ who became incarnate, Jesus sends him to me, born in Nazareth or no matter where, a man among men, where love prevailed over the power. "
- for Living always Elena Dusi in the Republic of November 1, 2009
"If you lengthen the life of the last century and a half were health, reducing childhood diseases and medical advances, and shortened in the future could be ' obesity. In the mist of ages, and because a man dies, the fact researchers have been able to grasp Steel is a link: one that binds food and life ... Food and energy to embrace a much deeper level, influencing the metabolic rate and perhaps the rate of wear and tear of the body. "
- divine will and human pride Vito Mancuso in the Republic of November 1, 2009
"There is no doubt that a long life is beautiful, but it's not live long to define the human being, but freedom. The real man is a free man, free from himself and his immediate interests, and which is therefore able to spend for good and justice, without fear, when appropriate, a risk for this physical life ... Rosario Livatino ... Dietrich Bonhoeffer ... Etty Hillesum ... are just three examples of men who have reached the fullness of life in our commitment to goodness and justice, involved in a life much richer than those who simply seeks to stay here for as long as possible. "
- Saints our extended family Enzo Bianchi Future of November 1, 2009
"The Feast of All Saints is a glorious autumn memorial church, the party is against loneliness, against all the isolation that afflicts the heart man. If there were no saints, if we did not believe the communion of saints, we would really closed in a desperate and despairing solitude ... On this day we should sing: "We are not alone, we are a living communion," "
- Trust (down) of the Catholic Church in Filippo Gentiloni in the manifesto of November 1, 2009
"The figures of the statistics are certainly debatable, but it is undeniable that within the church is spreading some dissent among its most ardent Catholics."
- The choir and the two sides of the gay church in Andrea Boraschi Unit of November 1, 2009
"In both events there a Church of human relationships, acceptance, non-discrimination, tolerance, and there is a strict Church, hierarchical and authoritarian doctrine. This shows the darker parts of the homophobia. Until - and, mind you! Is not really a technicality - to reject the possibility of marriage to a lady that Italian law is not a homosexual, not a "trans" is a woman. "
- Letter to the bishops of France and Anne Christine Pedotti Soup of October 29, 2009 (our translation)
"We have a heart full of hope, we think it's time. Let each days of people standing up and hope with us. Do not wait for others to get things moving. They get them to do so. They tell us incessantly, and their passion is that the Gospel is proclaimed. We are not asking almost nothing ... but a bit 'more of the benefit of the doubt ... a bit 'more than the law Gamaliel: "if their work is from men, it will destroy itself, but if he really is from God, you will not destroy it." We ask for your kindness, after all, your blessing. Not uccidente the bud to grow what he asks, are tender and fragile works that start, they need others, need everyone. "
- Coloring load-bearing walls of fight against the Mafia in Luigi Ciotti Future of November 1, 2009
"With its upgraded homes, their workshops animated by Kurds, Eritreans, Somalis, Riace has become a model in which refugees and development the territory. A model that works and that is why bother. In the time are not in fact missed the warnings, even heavy intimidation against a powerful experience, which testifies not only in their development that may change, but that the commitment to everyone knows how to produce freedom and future. "
- not Shoot the dead? Enzo Bianchi The Press of Nov. 1, 2009
current process of concealment of exorcism and forgetfulness of death, and visor together different performances. "When we renew our love for our loved ones who are dead, we conquer death because we renew a vital relationship, while being oblivious of the dead and appalled at his death is not really and truly living people. Love makes us feel the enemy's death, but love for those who died we can talk about life. "October 31, 2009
- Theology of African Élodie Maurot in La Croix of October 31, 2009 (our translation)
"The African theology has a history still young ... The day after the Vatican II, a current develops around an "African theology of liberation", denouncing the exclusion of the African continent and its oppression ... The theologians of the continent ... try to put them [the problems] to the benefit of an intellectual work that is not limited to words. "Living day to day suffering of Africa, we have a theological vision different from that of the West ."... The synod for Africa just finished giving them a new impetus, even though some theologians promising ... were not invited to the bench of experts in Rome. "
- Jews and Christians today Armand Abecassis in La Croix of October 31 2009 (our translation)
"Do not let down - for our indifference, our prejudices and our fault - the fragile edifice of understanding and respect built after the Shoah. Our roots are prior to our separation into two different covenants, which are necessary both to live in holiness in the world.Our dialogue should serve as a paradigm for all other religious dialogues and even politicians. "
- Free from everything except Jesus Christ Gaston Peter La Croix, 31 October 2009 (our translation)
"For Christians, the freedom that should be offered in the Gospel to make decisions in a and consequently, if a political exercise, at any level up to show their determination in patterns and formations that have their preference. "The Gospel is not neutral," he said. It is not through any grouping of Christians in public life, but through the quality of our presence in the midst of all that the Gospel will show its fecundity. "
- The direction of" Future "with Mark Tarquinio In the wake of Boffo Robert Monteforte in Unit of October 31, 2009
"At the head of event should be confirmed by the present Deputy Director ... He worked hard to define the profile of possible candidates. They reflected on the most effective communication strategy for the Catholic media. Including synergies ... Who will decide on the relationship between politics and institutions, including Prime Minister's office? "Future" should be the entry point to the whole Catholic world, or "newspaper-party" that marks the Catholic identity in society? Are the nodes of "after Ruini. The locations are also different in the episcopate. It will measure the next general meeting. "
- Italy undivided and free secular Stefano Rodota in Unit of October 31, 2009
" chronicles the story is very harsh in recent months seem to get away from this idea of secularism constituted the common fabric of democracy, giving space almost exclusively to the ancient secular oppositional, a radical opposition between secularists and Catholics. This situation can get out if, in the public debate, no one expects the bearer of truth, values 'not negotiable' ... if we still use the scheme lay / Catholics, we look at the wealth of the Catholic world, whose views often differ from those of the Vatican hierarchy, as well as the weaknesses of the secular world too often unable to understand that the defense of some positions coincide with the reasons of democracy. "
- Prayer fragile old closer to God di Carlo Maria Martini in la Repubblica del 31 ottobre 2009
"Mi pare che si possa parlare in due modi della preghiera dell'anziano. Si può considerare l'anziano nella sua crescente debolezza e fragilità, secondo la descrizione metaforica (ed elegante) del Qohèlet... Ma la preghiera dell'anziano potrebbe anche essere considerata la preghiera di qualcuno che ha raggiunto una certa sintesi interiore tra messaggio cristiano e vita, tra fede e quotidianità... Mi pare che possano emergere tre aspetti: un'insistenza sulla preghiera di ringraziamento; uno sguardo di carattere sintetico sulla propria vita ed esperienza; infine una forma di preghiera più contemplativa e affettiva, una prevalenza della preghiera voice on mental prayer. "
- The last trench of life Vito Mancuso in the Republic of 31 October 2009
" "Blessed are those who can read his own experience as a gift from God" that is, as endowed with sense, logic, sincerity, rectitude. To pray is to think about the meaning of life, Wittgenstein wrote, pray and think with gratitude and joy to the story of his life, he adds, Cardinal Martini. Happy so who has worked on themselves to be able to cultivate these feelings, having become so free from your ego to be able to say thank you to life even in the presence of order in their ego inevitably encounters. "October 30, 2009
- Willaim:" The Protestant churches are crossed by deep divisions " interview with Jean-Paul Willaim by Stéphanie Le Bars in Le Monde, 31 October 2009 ( our translation)
"There is a structural diversity that dates from the sixteenth century! Only now that this diversity becomes more visible through a pole and a Lutheran-Reformed-Pentecostal evangelical world is also very diversified. Instead of fragmentation, I'd say Protestant plural identity, evidently not free from tensions and conflicts. "
- Justification no pope in Fulvio Ferrario No Reform 41, October 30, 2009 (weekly Baptist, Waldensian and Methodist)
dark times for the 'ecumenism, the point of view of Italian Protestants. The acceptance of the biblical doctrine of justification by grace through faith has not faced ecclesiological, everything is as before, even a bit 'worse: "a few weeks after Augusta, Rome has formally launched a blister on indulgences on the occasion of the jubilee. The wonder, in my opinion, was misplaced. Christ bestows grace and the pope administers: simplifying a bit ', the core of Roman theology and, therefore, is that there is little to rend their garments ...." "But I do not think we have to worry about what he thinks Rome, but of ourselves"
- "You're too black to work with us" Maria Teresa Martinengo in La Stampa October 30, 2009
"" I said yes, I gave my resume to a friend: it worked and so I introduced myself. But the owner, as he saw me, started to say "Sorry, we do not need" . And so on ... Maybe because my name is Arabic, they thought I was Moroccan, a shade of color is still acceptable ...»... "In France I was a human being like white people with heart and same feelings. People here offends you for no reason. ""
- "Ova and sperm from stem soon kids without a man and woman" Enrico Franceschini in the Republic of 30 October 2009
"For the moment, it should be noted , scientists at Stanford University, the researchers have no intention to "play God" and conceive babies on slides in a laboratory using genetically modified cells. The stated aim of Rejio Dr. Renee Pera, who led the research, is simply to figure out how to grow sperm and egg cells, and thus improve the techniques to treat infertility. "
- "The fundamental step to beat infertility ' interview with Carlo Flamigni by Maria Corbi in La Stampa of October 30, 2009
" "That first win is very significant ... It' s the way to allow have children early menopause in women or men, for example, castrated by cancer treatments ... The Church certainly condemned this technique because it uses cells from embryos. But it condemns the use of mature cells ... because it offends the dignity of procreation, the lack of coincidence between sexual life and reproduction. "
- "The factory is back human civilization" interview Bodei by Remo Giacomo Galeazzi in La Stampa of October 30, 2009
"" We must distinguish between science (which is real and must be vacated) technology, ie applications to reason on the basis of ethical codes and criteria of political expediency. .. The Church has put his life at the center at the expense of other issues and has the right to be heard. The problem is that politicians not believe you put in the middle of debasing religion for electoral purposes ... the state must ensure the interests general and do not impose on citizens of other faith precepts become law. "
- "A decisive step but the real play is a dark process" interview with Giuseppe Novelli by Elena Dusi in the Republic of 30 October 2009
"" From that germ cells can never be born a child ... Nature has taken 400 million years to make efficient sexual reproduction, of course, things are not so simple "..." The Stanford study is a study of genetics. Many cases of infertility have their origin in the genes ... the only way we could make accurate diagnosis and find appropriate care. "
- "morally unacceptable and a dangerous drift to the whole human race" interview with Elio Sgreccia by Orazio La Rocca in the Republic of 30 October 2009
"" Unfortunately it is a dangerous ridge. We have seen many questionable techniques have already been launched to cope with infertility in uteri as a loan or trade in ova ... It is a dangerous road disliked by the same scientists' "The
- Church: yes but no cremation ashes to the wind Marco Politi in the Republic of 30 October 2009
"The bishops fear the spread of a neo-pagan spirit in which the act of throwing the ashes in the wind symbolically represents a union of the remains of the deceased with "great soul" of the Mother-Earth. In contrast the practice to keep the urn at home, for many bishops means a privatization and at the bottom of a trivialization of the ancient ritual to accompany the deceased to the 'graveyard' collective ritual that expresses the sense of a community united around the cross of the dead as the community of the living. A theologian as Enzo Bianchi is even more drastic, "fetishism" is in his view the desire to keep the urn in the family. "
- Hillary for religious freedom but the freedom of expression remains Marco Ventura Courier della Sera of October 30, 2009
"Hillary Clinton makes it clear that the U.S. oppose the attempt to lock down in the name of Islam is not defamation of religion: the Obama Administration is going to" energy so the defense of freedom of expression and religious freedom. " That is why it is so cautious with those who violate both? "
- Open Letter to Don Alessandro Santoro Tonio Dell'Olio in Micromega-online of October 29, 2009
" The hope is that time of reflection and prayer, which seems Essert ordered as a punishment , may become God's time for everyone. Even the bishop of your local church and all those who feel part of the Christian community and are likely to find himself still in the hands of the stones for the adulteress and are deaf to the invitation of the Master "A mass at
- Piagge Pierluigi On in the manifesto of October 30, 2009
"... So next Sunday I will have, after many decades, going to church. Alex's fault, damn him, that his officers last function to Piagge. I am sure, atheists or believers, we are many. "
- That deliberate distortion of the ecumenical journey in of editorial av Future of October 29, 2009
propose different ways to inform their readers about opening Benedict XVI to Anglicans and the bitter controversy between traditionalists and Küng Osservatore Romano, that of newspaper Italian Catholic "Future" is shown on the website that editorial in the newspaper, that of the French Catholic newspaper La Croix "(the site gives an outline of the operations of Küng and Vian and the newspaper gave the floor to Anglicans living in France ) and that of the archbishopric of Freiburg weekly. On the one hand it highlights the extraordinary ecclesial event and ecumenical aspects of the other does not hide very problematic. There are different ways to inform and understand ecumenism.
- Anglicans French wonder about opening in Rome Nicolas Cezar La Croix, 30 October 2009 (our translation)
"If the decision of the Vatican to open its doors to" dissident Anglican "has led to some confusion in England, this is not indifferent to the many faithful who live in the Dordogne this confession."
- debate with Hans Küng and Rome on an outstretched hand to Anglicans Nicolas Senez in of October 29, 2009 (our translation)
outline of the operations of Hans Kueng and the Director of 'Osservatore Romano Vian
- negotiated Klaus Nientiedt in Konradsblatt No 44, November 1, 2009 (our translation)
"The Church Catholic heavily involved in the tensions and internal discussions of the Anglican Communion ... Even the celibacy of priests suddenly becomes the subject of negotiations ... If you add the fact that these days are held discussions with the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X, it reinforces the impression that the Catholic Church as unduly show open to those who find it more or less difficulty in accepting changes in modern Christian Church. And what about the opening than the other? "->
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