Title: Us and Them
Fandom: Nana
Character: Takumi
Prompt: envy @
Rating: G
Word Count: 200 (W), double drabble.
Notes: starting from the idea that envy is a mixture of insecurity and egocentricity ( want what you have, regardless of whether or not to serve me ), the idea was to explore the delta / Takumi Yasu-triptych-Ren from the perspective of Takumi. It goes without saying that sooner or later you peck the other two. The title comes from the homonymous song by Pink Floyd.
Yasuo, Takumi has always envied the self-control and fidelity. Not because it is free in his own way he knows to be controlled, incredibly loyal, but because as a child Yasu has made a lifestyle, almost an art form.
Quiet and reliable, the pelatino has always got what he wanted, from music and people.
is where the envy of Takumi comes from the fact that the success, women and money Trapnest gravitate to him if he has earned. Father-master, now controls Takumi his extended family with an iron fist, turning the fragile talent of Ren and Reira emotions amplified.
Yasu, on the contrary, the spotlight seems to be finished by chance, as with Reira at school. The band is the big brother, the one that is sober and you will collect after the hangover, but does not judge who disapprove.
not matter that it's all a farce, the result of a strategy, just as his head shaved: Takumi Yasu has always been known that the velvet glove, the one with the height, so that really envious.
Why Ren, however, there has never been anything to envy.
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