Title: Never Let Me Down Again
Fandom: Lost
Character: Juliet Burke, Jack Shephard background
Prompt: # 43 - Dreams @
Rating: G
Word Count: 200 (W)
Warnings: SPOILER S4.
Disclaimer: Lost (c) ABC et alia.
Notes: set in the finale of S4 (04x13 and 14). The title is a song by Depeche Mode, I think it's correct. (Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, here I come.)
only hear the echo of the explosion, a distant sound that at first can not even isolate between the excited voices.
see the column of smoke rising into the sky and try to give a different explanation is perfectly rational. But when the wind turns to the beach, the smell of burnt kerosene and metal is a deja-vu that stops the future, forever.
The bottle is in Jack's tent. It is still the only full, a crucial detail, however vaguely sensed.
drinks in small sips while looking for a quiet place that smells of salt.
The rum is burning in the stomach and bend your knees, like an unexpected kiss. Landed heavily on the sand, look at the bottle and laughs.
half full or half empty?
Half full: It is as if I was kissing her again. We pass
fingers on his lips. Lucid enough to feel ridiculous, not so drunk to indulge in fantasies detailed.
Half empty: I have never really kissed?
closes his eyes, the retina is a black line that divides the sky in half.
When he opens them, he is swimming toward shore, and he is to leave the water. The
pass the bottle, full again. They drink together, in the stillness around them.
\u0026lt;/ lj>
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