Title: Happy ending
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Sun-Hwa Kwon
Prompt: # 045 - Read @
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (W )
Warnings: SPOILER S4.
Disclaimer: Lost (c) ABC et alia.
Notes: the end.
Sun newspaper launches ground, unable to continue beyond the title.
A short article in news, the Los Angeles Times hot off the press. The journalist has cut the piece on her, 'Pretty Woman' of the Oceanic 6, but is he who can not take my eyes off.
In a step that probably is worth millions stolen, Jack's smile is bright while playing with Aaron and Kate.
The perfect story, a happy ending to Hollywood comedy. Sun Ji Yeon
looks and feels anger mounted inside.
Call the office, Charles Widmore wants the data by the end of the day.
------------ Note: the coexistence between Kate and Jack could not go unnoticed (in the end they are two stars!) Sun reads the LA Times for obvious reasons: , a business woman now. Everything else is speculation on his contact with Widmore in There's No Place Like Home and "two men responsible for the death of Jin." I figured that happy to see Jack with Kate and Aaron was the final blow to Sun ...
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