[Lost] Light
Title: Light
Fandom: Lost
Characters: Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 (W)
Warnings: SPOILER S4.
Disclaimer: Lost (c) ABC et alia.
Notes: drabble I had this in my head for a living, I'm glad I pulled it out. The rest at the end.
There's a moment where you feel infinitely ridiculous.
A fat guy who runs to the ocean, tons of fat in bouncing backbeat.
You almost expect to stumble, we are already seeing a drop dead weight on the sand instead of your feet off the ground, one after another.
The force of gravity must have taken a vacation day , he thinks.
suspended in space, waiting for the crash, Hurley closes his eyes and let go.
The ocean greets him in a gentle embrace.
slips on the skin, nostrils, hair.
is going to go home.
you feel happy.
Feels light.
I love the scene of the 'cannonball' in The Beginning of the End (04x01). I think it expresses perfectly the essence of the S4. Oh, and I love Hurley in general. ^ ^
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