Title: The best answer
Fandom: Slam Dunk
Characters: Mitsui, Tetsuo
Rating: G
Word Count: 199 (W)
Challenge: Special # 3 @
Prompt gift received: Someone Might Get Hurt
Disclaimer: Slam Dunk © Inoue Takehiko and assigns.
Notes: brief reunion (199 words!) For what has long been my favorite manga, and two people who still love the most.
Mitsui takes one hour to explain what to do. And the more he speaks, the more anger mounts in, since none of these things should be so easy to remember, and it's like to have tattoos in place of memory.
Speak, and lost in the details of training times, physical descriptions, shirt numbers. Roles in the field, even as if it were a Tetsuo that he understands basketball.
Tetsuo listen to the end, playing with the lighter and meanwhile think that Mitsui has never seen so much fervor.
It does the math in his head, and then asks.
"So, let's recap: you want me to do my ass guys to the basketball club, I understood this and is fine with me. I have no plans for the weekend. "Approaches, the team from head to toe. "What I have not understood is why do you slam a lot. "
Why knows, however, but it wants to fumble for the best answer, one that is at least plausible , if not believable.
"Why are bastards, and must pay it," spits out a strained voice.
"And if someone gets hurt? Hurt, I say. "
" Better, "says Mitsui.
And this is basically the answer they both were.